Beneath the Surface with Sven Jungmann

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Welcome, welcome one and all to another Beneath the Surface session! Today we are joined by the marvellous Sven Jungmann, otherwise known as Dr Sven. We chat about all things music and his other profession, being a Dr! So sit back, relax and let’s get to it!

What would you say first sparked your interest in music/who inspired you to make music?
A dear friend from CrossFit took up singing years ago and quickly became an opera singer performing at events. He’s a tax lawyer in his real life. I have a challenge with myself that I aim to learn something new every year, like actually learn it. Singing was a result of one of those challenges.

How would you describe the music you are currently creating?
I like hip hop / rap. The next song will be faster and in French!

What does your creative process look like?
A whole day sprint with the full creative team in the studio. From writing to production — all in one day.

Who would you most like to collaborate with? (let’s send it out to the universe and make it happen!)

What is the one message you would like to send out to your fans?
Be wholly present in the moment, especially when you are on a trip. Of course take pictures with your phone if you like, but more important is that you take ‘snapshots’ with all your senses and listen in on your emotions in these precious moments of life. In the end, experiences are what make for a rich life, not possessions.

What’s your top tip to rejuvenate your creativity/get over a writer’s block?
Experiencing things, get out there, allow yourself to be surprised by what the world brings you, put your ‘yes hat’ on and see what happens. Then put it in words.

What’s next for you, what do we have to look forward to/ what are you currently working on?
I’m working on a song about Paris, where I used to study medicine for a semester.

Keep up with Sven:

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