Xan Palma Makes A Good Call On ‘Kiss Me Through The Phone’

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Discover Xan Palma’s indie-girl debut.

Xan Palma – ‘Kiss Me Through The Phone’

With an opening line like ‘You went overseas for work’, you’d be forgiven for thinking this song will be maudlin or overly sentimental. But despite the struggles of maintaining long-distance relationships, Xan Palma brings a breezy optimism that makes it all seem more hopeful while staying realistic. 

Xan Palma is a pop-rock singer-songwriter based in Nashville. This is her debut single, inspired by her real-life experience of her boyfriend being deployed.

‘Kiss Me Through The Phone’ is a driving pop-rock track with sweet and sour elements, and a retro flair.

‘You’ve been gone six weeks, I miss you terribly’ sing Palma’s blunt yet heartfelt lyrics. She refreshingly balances out the separation by reminding herself ‘Don’t get me wrong, life is good’ and that ‘we love travelling’. She rounds off the titular chorus with a cute pun – ‘our connection’s good, but always better when we’re together’. The melodies are natural and easy-flowing, and delivered in Palma’s gutsy vocals, bringing a 90s flair, showing influences of the likes of Liz Phair, Joni Mitchell and Fiona Apple. 

The production layers chugging electric guitars with jangling, stomping beats, mixing grunge and pop and rock influences. There are some rock’n’roll keys and some video-game synths which add a nice twist, and the vocal harmonies are excellent, tight and sultry. At just over 2 minutes, you can’t help but long for more – which is probably the precise intention, as well as being designed for a TikTok audience. A confident debut from a young new artist. 

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Words Eden Tredwell

The post Xan Palma Makes A Good Call On ‘Kiss Me Through The Phone’ appeared first on Right Chord Music Blog.

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