Dan Healy Records His Dad’s 1989 Song “All The Same”

In 1989, singer-songwriter Dan Healy’s father Hugh Healy wrote a song called “All the Same.” It never saw the light of day, even though it was treasured by Dan Healy for decades, until now. Dan Healy decided that this song needed to get out into the world because its message was just as compelling and necessary as it was when it was written. Dan recorded the song and for the past month it’s been out in the world. The recording features a warm acoustic guitar that gently strums, holding down the rhythm of the song. We also hear Dan Healy’s soulful folky vocals and wonder if he sounds similar to his father. There is a simple string section that adds an extra layer of emotion to this thought-provoking song. The production and instrumentation is minimal, allowing for the lyrics to be heard entirely, as they are the most meaningful part of the song.

Listen to this remarkable song on Spotify now:

Hear more of the story from Dan Healy here: 

In 1989 my Dad (Hugh Healy) wrote a song called “All the Same”. I’ve known the song all my life, he used to sing it to me when I was a kid and it was one of the first songs I recorded on my Dad’s old 4 track tape recorder. At Christmas last year I was looking through the old tapes and I found it. I was blown away with how relevant and timeless the lyrics were now in 2024 and I knew that I had to record it and put it out in the universe. With wars going on in Gaza and Ukraine, disconnected lost youth addicted on social media, a world where materialism has replaced spirituality. My dad’s words from ’89 hit just as hard today, if not harder. It felt like a sign—I had to breathe new life into this song and share it with the world. It’s more than just a piece of music; it’s a message, one that I believe we all need to hear right now. – Dan Healy

Written by Ryan Cassata
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