Embracing Vulnerability: Evolsi’s Powerful New EP “Growing Down”

Step into the world of Evolsi with her incredible new EP that has tons of super catchy hook melodies to latch onto. “Growing Down” showcases the songwriting and musical talents of Evolsi in a flavorful way that fans of indie pop, emo, and pop punk will absolutely adore. This amazing artist wears her heart on her sleeve in her music. That’s clear from the first song sung. “Nobody Knows” sets up the record. Starting with just vocals and guitars, Evolsi gives us a view into her life with her emotional lyrics, delivered in a sonically pleasing pop punk vocal style. She sings the song to her sister to let her know that she sees her hardships and is always there for her. The chorus contains a catchy hook with the empowering lyrics “I’m so proud of you, cause nobody knows what we’ve been through, nobody knows.” Evolsi told Rock the Pigeon that “Nobody Knows” is one of her favorite songs on the EP. She let us know why: “One of my favorite songs on the project is Nobody Knows. I wrote this song for my sister, addressing the situations and hardships in our childhood and how we faced them together. I realized that I had never told her that I was proud of her for overcoming all the hardships and getting through them without losing herself or her sanity. I wanted her to have a song that she can play at any time if she needs confidence or a reminder that she always has someone in her corner.” 

“I wrote this EP about how growing up sometimes feels like growing down. I was always the tough kid, brave and truly fearless. As I got older, all the confidence and fearlessness that came naturally in childhood seemed to evaporate. I became scared of life, my surroundings and even myself. I grew up in a household with a parent who struggled with addiction, and so much of my anxiety came from the lack of control and safety that I felt at times. When I was younger, I could shake it off, but the older I got, the more the feelings and trauma became undeniable. I wrote this project to express all of these feelings, and to also inspire and be there for others who may have been through similar experiences.” – Evolsi

The second track is the EP’s most popular song on Spotify currently, amassing over 20,000 streams. Listeners will immediately feel captivated by the catchy vocal melody on “Help!” This song is quite literally a call for help, with lyrics about struggling with mental health issues and needing to reach out and ask for help. One of the bravest and hardest things a person can do is to ask for “Help!” Perhaps, this song will empower those who hear it, that are struggling, to reach out and ask for help. This song carries on with the pop punk anthemic feel, powerful drums, distorted guitars, and great emo lyrics are all hallmarks of this spectacular song.

Pretty guitars start off “Holding My Breath.” Another hookworm melody comes through the speakers, serenading the listeners. The lyrics dive deep into someone that is struggling with addiction. Evolsi is watching closely but feels far away from her loved one. There is clearly a lot of love between the two people, even though one continues to struggle with addiction and mental health issues. Evolsi commented on the feeling of knowing you’re in a toxic relationship but not wanting to leave the struggling person to be on their own: “It acknowledges the pain of feeling like you need to let go for your own sanity, but not wanting to abandon someone you know is struggling.” She sings: “If this is love, what is hate?”

“Losing Game” continues on with the same emo musical mood. These lyrics strike as empowering. It’s all about acknowledging your past traumas, realizing you still have work to do, but knowing you have the power and strength to do all of that work and heal. She sings “Still bruised and scared, but I know, We all learn as we go” before erupting into a huge chorus where powerful drums dominate. Electric guitars come in, giving the song an even bigger sound. The second verse brings a new element into the EP, a trap style electronic beat, in combination with the live pop pu

nk drums. This song is a very cool fusion of genres and adds an extra layer of sound to the EP!

“I Hope You Know” follows with the same type of meaning as the EP’s starting song, “Nobody Knows.” This song feels like a warm hug. It’s also empowering. Evolsi beautifully sings with great emotion: “I hope that you know, you’re never on your own…I’m always here for you.”  

The final track on the EP is the self-titled song “Growing Down.” This song adds another element and sound to the record. We har Evolsi’s voice paired with just an acoustic guitar. The performance is stunning! The lyrics are very meaningful, and although they are clear and can speak for themselves, this quote adds an extra layer of meaning to the song and to the EP as a whole:

“This song was written about childhood and how sometimes growing up actually feels like regressing. As children, we tend to be full of life, fearless and confident but as we grow older, we start to realize the complexities of life. Those complexities start to overwhelm us and reality becomes much more prevalent than it ever was before. You start to see a lot of those natural traits start to dissipate and it becomes easy to get wrapped up in the fears of life instead of the beauty of it. Each verse is written based on a different time period of life, but from the perspective of that kid that is inside of you. The question of the album is “Is Growing Up Growing Down?” — are we actually growing as we grow up, or are we just doing everything we can to fit in and be a part of the larger game that is life?” – Evolsi

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Listen to this incredible EP on Spotify now: 


Written by Ryan Cassata 

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