Emotion is the Name of the Game for Negativehate’s SHAPESHIFTER

Over at The Farsighted, I highlighted a track off of Negativehate’s latest album Shapeshifter called “Hrethgir” – named after a term from Dune that the Titans and thinking machine use to describe free humans. The song’s jazz fusion and emotive lyrics make it one of the album’s standouts, but its far from being the only worthwhile track on the fantastic album. Self-described as post-metal, Negativehate blends progressive metal, hardcore, indie rock, and post-rock to create a unique sound that not only transcends labels, but also breaks the band out into territory they’d never quite explored before.

Longtime fans may expect a more conceptual based album and a more definitive prog-metal sound, but with Shapeshifter there’s more influence from the likes of Explosions in the Sky or Godspeed! than Dream Theater. In fact, the 9-minute epic instrumental track “Obsidian Dawn” bears more resemblance to bands like Unwed Sailor and Roadside Monument than anything you may hear called metal by hard music circles. In other words, similar to the broader and deeper sound that the revered 90s and early 2000s hardcore/metal/post-whateverwhatever band Embodyment made with their release of The Narrow Scope of Things in the Spring of 2000, Negativehate have matured, expanded, and transcended their “classic” sound in many ways.

This isn’t to say that old school fans won’t find a ton here to enjoy, as well. So many musical styles and sounds are explored, but the brutality is still there and the band wears their hearts on their proverbial sleeves more than ever.

In addition to the aforementioned “Obsidian Dawn” and “Hrethgir”, this music aficionado can’t stop spinning “Dreams of the Yellow King” when craving something heavy and melodic, as well as album closer “Hireath” – which has found its way onto several personal playlists. The titular track seems to be getting a good deal of attention on streaming platforms, too… and for good reason!

Grab the album yourself at Negativehate’s Bandcamp today!

The post Emotion is the Name of the Game for Negativehate’s SHAPESHIFTER appeared first on ROCK THE PIGEON.

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