Ama Not – Not ur fkn fan

Sydney-based independent artist Ama is 22 years old and a Sri Lankan/Australian. She releases her new single, Not ur fkn fan. It’s built around electric guitars, gritty live drums, and infectious rhythmic melodies that speed up quickly. I appreciate the vocals’ dynamic style, meaning they switch tones for maximum effect. The chorus accomplishes its purpose well.

Not ur fkn fan really hits home about the hurt of feeling disrespected by someone close to you. The song references Ama’s experience of questioning the true nature of a relationship with an ex. Her lyrics capture the frustration and confusion that come with that kind of situation beautifully. She tries to make sense of what went wrong.

Ama belongs on the big stage. Not ur fkn fan depicts pop’s real identity. Check it out below!

The post Ama Not – Not ur fkn fan appeared first on Lefuturewave.

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