Beneath the Surface with Daniela

Welcome back friends to another fresh Beneath the Surface slice. Today we are joined by the exciting electronic pop artist Daniela, off the back of her recent, all guns blazing, empowering new single ‘Watch Me’.

Dig into what we chatted about below!

What would you say first sparked your interest in music/who inspired you to make music?

I grew up dancing, and that undoubtedly created a bond with music at an early age. My mother played piano as a hobby and my grandfather always had a song to sing, so I grew up in a household that loves music. I vividly remember coming from school one day very excited because we had just learned a song that we were going to perform for Mother’s Day. I was in kindergarten, and the song was Celine Dion’s “Because you loved me” something about that song made me realize I wanted to ‘do that too’. I came home asking my parents if we could go get that album because I was so infatuated with it. And I haven’t stopped singing since. 

How would you describe the music you are currently creating?

The first word that comes to mind is real. Some of my songs are purely for fun, like Somebody or Unforgettable, but mostly they come from the need to create, to relate, to make space for feeling whatever it is you feel. I love how music can make someones day better in minutes! 

What does your creative process look like?

Well, I don’t have a formula really. Sometimes the concept comes first, sometimes a melody, sometimes the words. After one of these hits me, then I jot it down or record a little voice memo and then work on it further. I don’t like to push things, so usually when inspiration hits i’ll drop everything else and ride that wave out . It may take a couple of hours or a couple of days or a couple of months to write a song it really depends on inspiration. 

Who would you most like to collaborate with? (let’s send it out to the universe and make it happen!)

Oh my goodness there are several artists I’d love of collaborating with! I think Sam Smith, Rosalia and Adele are at the top of that list for me. Can you imagine a Sam Smith collaboration with some Spanish/latin vibes? AMAZING. 

What is the one message you would like to send out to your fans?

Just because you’re going through a certain phase in your life doesn’t mean you’re not whole! We are like the moon, we have many faces, however you’re still yourself through all of them  

What’s your top tip to rejuvenate your creativity/get over a writer’s block?

Ooh I love this question, jajaja! Well I personally like to do something totally different from what I am doing, like baking a cake, or paper crafts, or go for a walk, etc. something physical that’ll help shift gears.

What’s next for you, what do we have to look forward to/ what are you currently working on?

I am excited to say there’s some fresh content coming soon. I am currently finishing a few more songs that will be out together on an E.P. for 2024. As per my style, it’s a mix of fun and depth in this upcoming release. I have been having so much fun creating my sound, and I am looking forward to sharing it with everyone next year!

Keep up with Daniela below:
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