Mindless Crowd Open The Door To Wonder On ‘Star Chaser’

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Mindless Crowd takes you on an anthemic journey through the cosmos with the new track ‘Star Chaser.’

Mindless Crowd – Star Chaser

Like a comet, ‘Star Chaser’ demands your attention and leaves an indelible mark from the start. Intense vocals parallel with dynamic guitar and bass work to settle into the stadium-ready sound the band is going for… and achieving. At its core the song is uplifting and sonically unique; a true ‘feel-good’ indie rock anthem.

Taught lyricism and inventive, playful passages over-arch this massive sound to make a truly unique listening experience. Housing the ambition of Pink Floyd with the modern-day songwriting sensibilities of Kings of Leon, Mindless Crowd have already built a loyal following. Hailing from Switzerland, the group have been drooping brilliant songs since 2022 and have no signs of stopping.

The chorus is where ‘Star Chaser’ really takes off. The infectious passion and energy have you imagining a crowd screaming the refrain at the top of their lungs. The guitar work, distorted but refined, is both a testament to the immense talent within the band and outside it. The production really seals the deal on this track, immersive and big sounding while never losing individuality. Every instrument can be heard fully, especially the brilliant bassline driving the songs undercurrent with just the right amount of presence. A clean but powerful mix allows you to really picture this song where it’s designed to be – on the big stage.

Speaking about the creation of “Star Chaser”, the band members shared, “Star Chaser has opened a door of wonder. The melody came to us in the middle of a starry night, igniting our desire to transcend the boundaries of our everyday existence. We want this track to be an invitation for the listener to gaze skyward and embark on an adventure filled with unlimited possibilities.“

“If in the endless sea of rock music, there are many bands consistently making waves then Mindless Crowd is a tsunami, drenching their audiences in soaring melodies and powerful instrumentation.”

Discover more from Mindless Crowd


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Ciarán Coleman

The post Mindless Crowd Open The Door To Wonder On ‘Star Chaser’ appeared first on Right Chord Music Blog.

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