Beneath the Surface: Stefano Tucci

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Welcome to another Beneath the Surface interview segment, where we go beyond skin deep with artists and find out what makes them tick. Today I am joined by the interesting and incredibly talented Stefano Tucci. Find out what he’s been working on and what he’s got coming up, below!

What would you say first sparked your interest in music/who inspired you to make music?
It was the old MTV, back in ’93-’94, when there was a lot more rock music. Green Day with ‘Dookie,’ Offspring with ‘Smash,’ and then Nirvana, Soundgarden, Metallica, Oasis—these were the groups that used to feature prominently on TV shows. I was drawn to the sound of distorted guitars, and that’s how it all began

How would you describe the music you are currently creating?
The last album with Marco Vittoria was all about improvisation using different loops layers played live. Now i’m working again in a “classic” way, writing structured songs always trying to mix guitars and electronic sounds.

What does your creative process look like?
I start by working on chord progressions on the guitar initially, then, I record everything on the pc and with the use of virtual instruments add some layers of electronic sounds. Often I add a lot of complexity to the track that It doesn’t need vocals. Yes, I do a lot of instrumental!

Who would you most like to collaborate with? (let’s send it out to the universe and make it happen!)
Very hard question, If I had to pick one I would say Massive Attack for their sound and ambience. Then if by chance I had another possibility I will go with Pain of Salvation for they heaviness and the live!

What is the one message you would like to send out to your fans?
As a long-time music listener, I understand how challenging it can be to explore new and unfamiliar music and to break established habits. Therefore, I want to express my gratitude to all the people who take the time to listen.

What’s your top tip to rejuvenate your creativity/get over a writer’s block?
I consistently study new elements—be it tracks, music theory, or scales. This practice compels me to play and explore various instruments. The more I play, the greater the likelihood that something exciting will find its place in my ‘ideas’ folder. 

The music itself give me the inspiration, so the only thing to do is start playing and see what happens.

What’s next for you, what do we have to look forward to/ what are you currently working on?
I’m currently working on a cover album featuring early 1900s Italian songs, completely reimagined and translated into English to give them a modern twist.It’s always a challenge to reinterpret classics, but I’m genuinely excited about it. What makes it even more thrilling is the collaboration with talented individuals from Argentina, Romania, Japan. Thanks to the internet, this international project has become a reality!

Keep up with Stefano Tucci:




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