Spirits Of Saturn Leave Us ‘Transfigured’

Discover Spirits Of Saturn’s celestial disco-pop

Spirits Of Saturn – ‘Transfigured’

‘Maybe I was in love with you, maybe I wasn’t…’ begins ‘Transfigured’ by Spirits Of Saturn. It sets the tone for a track that lives in a slightly liminal, abstract realm of love, uncertain and fantastical all at once. Combined with all the delicious synths you could want, it’s a pretty compelling combination. 

Spirits Of Saturn are a UK-based band – eagle-eyed readers may recognise one of their members from Superorganism. This is their third single after their 2023 debut, which gained them some enviable live slots and notice.

“Transfigured is a soaring synth-pop tune full of hooks, drenched in melancholy euphoria.”

‘Whatever it was, I hope that it was true’, muse the thoughtful lyrics on a lost love, adding ‘it won’t be long til the effects have passed’. There’s some lovely imagery with lines like ‘I was a part of your fantasy, we had a membership to the movies’, which occasionally border on the strange such as in the memorable chorus, ‘here lies, all covered with flies, my world, transfigured’. The melodies are so cascading it takes the edge off. 

The production combines sparkling riffs with warm harmonies, and layers of glowing synths, topped off with sharp beats and thrumming bass to create something both chill and epic. There’s a good deal of 80s influence here – Simple Minds and Pet Shop Boys come to mind – but with more modern disco-esque touches too, reminiscent of Daftpunk. At 5 minutes it’s a tad long, but it’s a track that will make you want to press replay. 

Discover more from Spirits of Saturn


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Words Eden Tredwell

The post Spirits Of Saturn Leave Us ‘Transfigured’ appeared first on Right Chord Music Blog.

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