Exclusive Interview: GEN X

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StreetWave Media presents an exclusive interview with soul, funk, dance artist, GEN X located in Surrey, United Kingdom. After our interview check out the links below…

1. What made you decide to jump into the music industry or music business?

Music in many forms was always a natural path coming from a part musical family.

2. What do you think makes you stand out from all the other aspiring and upcoming artists in your genre of music?

Im unique in my own way, I don’t seek to compete with others.  There’s room for everyone and i also cheerlead fellow aspiring artists.

3. If you could collaborate with ANY artist/band… Who would you choose and why?

Chaka khan i respect her artistry very much and she is on another level of greatness musically.

4. What do you think is your biggest Advantage and your biggest Disadvantage about being an Indie artist?

Developing my music knowledge over the years is handy, however being independent also means you resources are quite limited and in contrast it tends to be about who you know, not what you know that counts.

4. Do you prefer the Independent route or would you rather sign to a major record label, and why?

Having creative freedom is good so probably independent, though its still possible to attain SSA agreements/publishing depending on the project involved.

5. Out of all the songs you’ve released, what do you think is your Best song and why?

At present iv only released 2 but i do like the recent release a bit more. Because writing wise it was more fun to do.  

7. Do you miss the era of CD sales OR do you prefer the new wave of music streaming?  Explain…

Yeah I do miss cd sales …it paid better , sound was better quality wise being uncompressed, there’s was something about having a physical copy of music and the artwork cards and info read inside i really enjoyed…. however with the constantly evolving way music is consumed i do get why streaming has now become more appealing to many, being a more convenient source of listening and quicker to share via promotional tools wise in the industry.  

8. Between creating in the studio OR performing live on stage, which is your most enjoyable one and why?

I only write songs and produce tracks so im only in a studio environment…ha ha  

9. During your entire journey through the music business, what would you consider your Worst experience?

Gatekeepers, age discrimation, a fair few egos.

10. What would you consider your most successful or proudest moment in your music career, so far?

Appreciation shown for my creativity.

11. If any, what discourages you the Most about music industry these days?

The conveyer belt approach towards music is a bit discouraging, but it reflects the new era of how people consume music and the bigger fish seek it out.  

12. What inspires you the Most about the music industry these days?

Despite the conveyer belt approach of the industry with talent now, the one positive i noticed is social media has encouraged an array of very gifted lyricists with real connective stories to tell.  That inspires looking at and taking different approaches to my own creative process at times.  

13. If you wasn’t in the music business or industry, what do you think you would be doing with your life instead?

I have training in counselling therapy/psychology so probably that.

14. In your own opinion, What is the current music scene like in your local area?

Not that big compared to other areas but theres decent talent playing small live gigs  

15. What is your latest release and where fans can find it?

My latest release is called Rise up a soul track featuring sofi berro available on youtube, and all digital platforms.

16. What is on your agenda or what can fans expect to see from you in 2022?

I have more releases enroute and a few other surprises ……so keep it locked in!!!

Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/genxx73?utm_source=qr&igsh=MWhzOGIxdGo2YWppbg==

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@GEN.XX7

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