Pieces of Juno – Atlantis (Album)

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As she celebrates ten years as Pieces of Juno, Norwegian multi-hyphenate Juno Sandbæk-Jensen releases Atlantis. It’s her strongest and densest creative statement yet, an expression of who she is.

The Musky Opulence of Summer begins the project in style. It features delicately layered vocals over a piano melody. Juniper continues the mystery vibe of the first track with its jazzy, spy-like instrumentation. Juno captures here a feeling of helplessness and apathy related to climate change and the way we treat other species.

Sense of Self is also rich in interesting lyrics. They talk about accepting time’s inexorable march and making peace with it. A pleading, bluesy vocal echoes between synth pulses, bass, sharp guitar picks and clarinet notes.

Heaven’s Murky Brew consists of carefully crafted melodies, which create such a compelling atmosphere. I consider this track to be my favorite on the album. El Niño meets all the right criteria as well. It has something so inventive about it. Immediately following this tune, we have an Interlude and The Mountains Collide. It’s like magic how they’re synchronized.

With Summer Comes, Poetry In All, and Momentary Splendour make you feel as if you have just completed a journey, one you never forget. You can call it iconic.

Check out Atlantis below!

The post Pieces of Juno – Atlantis (Album) appeared first on Lefuturewave.

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