Eva Gadd Wants You To ‘Get It’

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Discover Eva Gadd’s classic soul-RnB situation-ship track.

Eva Gadd – ‘Get It’

In an age of increasingly fluid gender roles, perhaps a song bemoaning men is a little out of touch. However, it can’t be denied that there’s something satisfying about it, particularly when combined with an old-school RnB soul flavour, and that’s what Eva Gadd is bringing us on ‘Get It’. 

Eva Gadd is a singer-songwriter with roots in Oxfordshire. With a few singles under her belt, she’s going from strength to strength, with festival slots and notice from BBC Introducing.

‘Get It’ is a feelgood, why-does-he-make-me-feel-bad track with plenty of pop, soul and RnB flavour.

Gadd shows plenty of introspection in her lyrics, questioning herself ‘What am I doing here at this hour?’ and ‘Is it validation that I seek?’. There’s frustration in there, with lines like ‘Why’d you men always feel like you have something to prove?’, but mixed with a little envy – ‘I hate it cos I just wanna be like you’. The nuance of the lyrics is a clever touch, setting off the hooky melodies and Gadd’s smoothly gorgeous vocals that flutter through a nice range. 

The production is a throwback to late 90s and early 2000s pop-rnb, with nods to acts like Destiny’s Child and the Braxtons. With a sultry guitar hook, skittering beats, chiming synths and plenty of lush backing harmonies, it sets up a hugely enjoyable groove. There’s also a music video featuring Gadd on a date around London with her lover, showing a range of emotions from infatuation to frustration, with an ambiguous ending as to how the love works out. 

Discover more from Eva Gadd


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Words Eden Tredwell

The post Eva Gadd Wants You To ‘Get It’ appeared first on Right Chord Music Blog.

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