epona Explores Feminist Empowerment On ‘Help I’m Fine! EP

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Discover ‘Help I’m Fine!’ epona’s powerful new EP.

epona- Help I’m Fine!

In a world where music serves as a mirror reflecting the diverse narratives of our lives, “Help, I’m Fine!,” an indie rock EP, has bloomed. A poignant and empowering voice within the genre, epona has crafted an addictive new record. This collection of songs not only showcases the musical prowess of the upcoming artist but also delves into the complexities of womanhood, mental health, and societal expectations with an unapologetic passion. 

‘Voice’ kicks off the EP and its raw guitar tone and fizzling vocals set the record’s tone perfectly. The casual but ever-present energy driving this track packs a distinct punch – one not many artists can garner with such ease. The lyrics are achingly necessary, calling out for women’s voices to be heard and freedom to stop being a question but a fact. Strong vocals and a driving rhythm section nail the conviction on its head.

“The inspiration behind the song came from conversations I had with women about the lack of consideration and double standards we all have experienced at some point. ‘Voice’ is a reminder that the struggle for gender equality is ongoing.” – epona

‘Naked Man (in the Forest)’ is captivating, chilling – but nonetheless inspiring in its essence. The song dives into resilience in the face of hardship as a young child. The layered lyricism is accompanied by a catchy melody and stellar production. The crunchy guitar adds a bite to the chorus that’s tenacious and endearing. The change in vibe coming into the second half of the song adds an empowering element to such a dark topic.

The third track, ‘Louise’ is charismatic and introspective, referencing the famous film ‘Thelma and Louise’. The chugging drums and backing atmosphere really separate this track from the others while still never letting it be fully removed from the established tone of the EP. With such a unique sound it’s impressive to have this clarity practically dripping off each track.

Arguably the most accessible track (but not lacking that sharp innovation evident throughout ‘Help I’m Fine!’) the final track ‘Don’t care!’ is a unique look into the awful reality of harassment. Looking through the perspective of a man who doesn’t care about the women he hurts, cheerfully living out his days without a single thought for anyone but himself. The upbeat, exhilarating instrumentation aligns with the tongue-in-cheek lyricism – both of which contrast the dark, unflinchingly honest topic.

“A feminist manifesto in musical form, Help I’m Fine! opens a dialogue, inviting the listener into the conversation.”

‘Help I’m Fine!’ is a tremendous indie rock EP. The lush production complements the atmospheric sonic landscapes and rugged instrumental choices. Strong musical presence and inventive choices make epona’s new EP a must for anyone searching for a raw, unfiltered approach to the genre. Refreshingly unflinching, ‘Help I’m Fine!’ is as resilient and unapologetic as you can get.

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Words Ciarán Coleman

The post epona Explores Feminist Empowerment On ‘Help I’m Fine! EP appeared first on Right Chord Music Blog.

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