SIMYA Gets Deep Into ‘Bodies and Minds’

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Discover SIMYA’s steamy neo-soul jam.

SIMYA – ‘Bodies and Minds’

‘I crave it, the closeness, the soft touch, the rough love…’ opens SIMYA’s debut single ‘Bodies and Minds’. Close the curtains and set up your preferred mood lighting, it’s time for a good old-fashioned slow jam that still retains a current sensibility. 

SIMYA is a singer-songwriter based in California, with roots in Turkey and Abu Dhabi. With a classical music-influenced upbringing, her sound has now shifted to include influences from house, funk, neo-soul, RnB, and Middle Eastern music.

‘Bodies and Minds’ is a hypnotic neo-soul slow jam about a yearning for connection, both physical and emotional.

SIMYA’s lyrics lean into the poetic with lines like ‘Enclosed by darkness, illuminated by stars, we’re vulnerable’, but also have their sexy moments with lines like ‘I want it, your presence, your body, all over me’. There’s a nice dual focus on both sexual and mental attraction, reiterated in the titular chorus, ‘bodies and minds’. SIMYA’s husky vocals fit perfectly here, running free over her flowing melodies, showing off adlibs and a sweet vocal range. 

The production centres around a sultry electric guitar, which sets up a solid groove and breaks out a satisfying solo later in the track. The sensual beats and tinkling percussion add a little edge to the track. Then with the rich bass, moody synths, and multiple layers of heavenly harmonies, it’s hard not to get drawn into the mesmerising atmosphere created. Fans of acts like Jorja Smith will find something to enjoy in this strong debut offering.

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Words Eden Tredwell

The post SIMYA Gets Deep Into ‘Bodies and Minds’ appeared first on Right Chord Music Blog.

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