Issadora Ava Tribute To ‘New York’

Discover Issadora Ava’s euphoric synth-pop track.

Issadora Ava – ‘New York’

All sorts of songs have been written about New York – it’s a city of dreams and heartbreaks, highs and lows, glamour and sleaze. Here is one that captures all the giddiness and fear of being a young adult in the big city, falling in love with the people and the lights – here’s Issadora Ava’s tribute to ‘New York’. 

Issadora Ava is an indie pop artist from California. Having been in the entertainment industry since childhood, in recent years she’s branching into her own music, as well as creating visuals and videos on both sides of the camera.

‘New York’ is an achingly uplifting indie-pop track.”

The lyrics depict a queer-coded romance – ‘you’re in that dress I like, what a sight for sore eyes’ – with heated intimacy, with lines like ‘it’s your show and I’m your fan’. There’s a youthful intensity here, combined with the fears of being in your 20s in a big city – ‘fashion trends move on, where do I fit in if it’s not right here with you?’. The melodies are impeccably crafted, with the ‘New York, new you’ chorus being instantly catchy, and it’s all delivered in Ava’s delicate yet compelling vocals, featuring intricately layered harmonies. 

The production combines a pulsating synth bass with stomping beats, dreamy pads and flickering hooks – Taylor Swift in her more pop moments definitely comes to mind, as well as the indie influences of the likes of Imogen Heap. It’s an incredibly accomplished track from someone who clearly knows what they’re doing – I suspect we may hear more of Issadora Ava. 

Discover more from Issadora Ava


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Words Eden Tredwell

The post Issadora Ava Tribute To ‘New York’ appeared first on Right Chord Music Blog.

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