Patrick Lawrence – Nostalgic for Now (EP)

Patrick Lawrence is a singer-songwriter who dares to venture into the extraordinary. His sophomore EP, Nostalgic for Now, offers an exquisite compilation of six deeply personal songs, each reflecting on life’s myriad experiences. It covers themes ranging from self-discovery, love, and career decisions to loss, joy, and living in the present. A significant amount of emotion was poured into the writing. Patrick also made a concerted effort to craft music that listeners can connect with, enabling them to immerse themselves in his world.

Toaster Song opens the EP. It’s driven by resonant guitars paired with delightful vocals. The key theme explored in the lyrics is self-discovery. Forever Home is more bittersweet. It narrates a wedding story. The drums patterns provide a radiant ambiance that brings the celebration to life.

Half Life maintains the candidness that defines this project. The plucked guitar harmonizes beautifully with Patrick’s vocal strength. In this song, he opens up about experiencing burnout due to the demands of his medical career. An Empty Room is undoubtedly the most melancholy track here. It encapsulates personal grief, drawing inspiration from Lawrence’s own experience with his wife as they endured the loss of a child due to miscarriage.

Joy In The Journey rejuvenates the EP’s sound, bringing back an uplifting vibe with its catchy melodies in the foreground and singing that seems to cheerfully dance around the sunlight. Throughout These Are the Good Old Days, Patrick beautifully stirs up feelings of nostalgia, revisiting all the themes previously introduced in the EP.

What more can I add, other than to affirm that Patrick delivers exceptional music? Nostalgic for Now sets a high bar for the musical landscape in 2024. Nothing needs to be changed about it.

Check out Nostalgic for Now below!

The post Patrick Lawrence – Nostalgic for Now (EP) appeared first on Lefuturewave.

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