Sophie Kilburn Steps Out Of Her ‘Body On The Inside’

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Discover Sophie Kilburn’s indie-rock with boundaries.

Sophie Kilburn – ‘Body On The Inside’

How does one handle consent and physical boundaries in a pop song? Well, if you’re Robin Thicke, the answer is ‘badly’. But here on Sophie Kilburn’s track, she plays it by sardonically narrating her inner monologue during an encounter that pushes her boundaries, and gathering strength in her resolve not to let the moment just pass by. It’s skillfully done and still an enjoyable song.

Sophie Kilburn is a singer-songwriter hailing from Derbyshire. She’s only gone from strength to strength in the last few years, with festival slots and BBC Introducing backing, and being crowned Right Chord Music’s very own Breakthrough Act.

‘Body On The Inside’ is a bouncy indie-rock anthem dedicated to consent and empowerment.

Kilburn’s skilful lyrics capture the micro-moments that feel so heavy in these situations – “it’s no longer a moment, I don’t react but think, have you noticed”. There’s frustration – “you’re too far gone” – and righteousness – “I can no longer pretend that I don’t have reason” – and even scorn – “erotic visions consume you”. The chorus rounds it off with some interesting wordplay in the title line “I keep my body on the inside with a one-track mind.” This is all delivered with Kilburn’s natural melodies and gutsy vocals. 

The production combines tense guitar and moody bass with sparkling synths and echoing beats – fans of the likes of HAIM, Muna and Boygenius will find something familiar here, as well as throwbacks to older classics like PJ Harvey and Stevie Nicks. A distinctive track from a strong rising artist.

Discover more from Sophie Kilburn


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Words Eden Tredwell

The post Sophie Kilburn Steps Out Of Her ‘Body On The Inside’ appeared first on Right Chord Music Blog.

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