Darius Christian – Good Kind Of Lonely

Los Angeles-based Darius Christian releases his latest single, Good Kind Of Lonely. It’s notable for its catchy acoustic guitar melody. There’s also a steady groove that gives the production funkiness and increases the intensity. The vocals on this song are delightfully layered, feeling angelic.

Good Kind Of Lonely celebrates solitude and gratitude through self-reflection. Darius tries to stay zen and maintain his own peace. This sentiment offers inspiration, as happiness doesn’t always depend on other people. There are times when you just need to be alone. During these periods, you’ll discover who you really are.

Darius sets high standards in introducing what looks to be the start of something big. His upcoming album is likely do well. At least, we’re looking forward to it. And that’s not surprising given the quality of Good Kind Of Lonely. Check out the song below!

The post Darius Christian – Good Kind Of Lonely appeared first on Lefuturewave.

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