Ariane Gabriel – i wanna have sex

Singer-songwriter Ariane Gabriel releases her new single, i wanna have sex. It features subdued guitar melodies and a somewhat melancholic alt-pop production. While the vocals are evenly balanced, they don’t lack expressiveness, constructively underscoring the song’s theme.

The genesis of i wanna have sex traces back to a singular first date with a person Ariane never encountered again. However, its narrative transcends that specific person, diving into Ariane’s process of rediscovering her sex drive, which had been dormant for a long time due to abuse. It candidly explores the complex emotions of guilt, shame, and disconnection. Surprisingly, after this particular date, Ariane experienced a sudden surge of attraction and desire that had eluded her for over a year.

Ariane adeptly facilitates discussions on topics like sex, addressing a subject that society often struggles to openly converse about. She certainly empowers others with this song. Check out i wanna have sex below!

The post Ariane Gabriel – i wanna have sex appeared first on Lefuturewave.

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