alx frncs Revisits Lockdown On ‘I Can’t Do Anything Right’

alx frncs dives into lockdown-induced depression in ‘I can’t Do Anything Right’.

alx frncs – i can’t do anything right

alx frncs attempts to make sense of her cluttered brain and fractured mental health caused by lockdown, over a lush palette of warm, tender indie folk.

Following her recent emergence onto the Brighton music scene, alx frncs has quickly found her feet and developed her sound with impressive momentum. Having played her first live show only two years ago, and releasing her first single ‘I wanna’ in the summer of 2023, alx once again proves her effortless ability to write vulnerable, emotive yet soothing acoustic ballads on her second single ‘I can’t do anything right’.

Alx immediately pulls the listener back into the isolated and uncertain times of the UK COVID lockdown with the opening lyric.

‘I don’t wanna brush my hair’. A simple yet powerful line that sums up the heightened lack of motivation caused by isolation and depression to carry out even the most basic of tasks. It’s a writing tool that alx consistently uses throughout the track: stripping her lyrics back to their simplest form whilst still packing a strong emotional punch due to her honesty and sincerity. A chorus of ‘I’ve got too much on my plate / I’ve got too much in my brain’ is all that’s needed to perfectly depict the cluttered mind of someone struggling through a mental health crisis on top of a national health crisis.

It would be easy for Alx to let the dark and sombre subject matter permeate into the music, but instead, she chooses to juxtapose it with a soft, gentle and warm instrumental, carried by an almost uplifting acoustic chord progression. The track features a beautiful array of textured layers composed of synths and vocal harmonies, but it remains a stripped-back and honest acoustic ballad at its heart.

‘alx frncs once again proves her effortless ability to write vulnerable, emotive yet soothing acoustic ballads’ 

Considering the DIY approach to recording (drums and guitar were tracked in band members’ bedrooms and shared via audio files), It’s a testament to the track’s meticulous production that the layers can be added and taken away without drawing from the core semblance of the track or making it feel unnecessarily cluttered.

A really nice subtle final detail within the track was the inclusion of bird song in the final 20 seconds as the track draws to an end. With the track’s subject matter revolving heavily around lockdown, isolation and being stuck inside, this bird song symbolises hope and a reminder that even the toughest times don’t last forever.

‘This song is an ode to my flatmates who kept me just above water, but also how I felt like a burden to everyone around me’ – alx frncs

Discover more from alx frncs:


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Words Harry Peters

The post alx frncs Revisits Lockdown On ‘I Can’t Do Anything Right’ appeared first on Right Chord Music Blog.

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