Exclusive Interview: Angel Heart

StreetWave Media presents an exclusive interview with pop artist, Angel Heart. After our interview check out her music linked below…

1. What made you decide to jump into the music industry or music business?

Singing has always been my passion and “therapy”. I have sung professionally in choirs and in my own band. It has always been a hobby and a passion and I never intended to pursue it as a career until early 2023. I started a TikTok channel just singing cover songs and I was discovered by my current producer. At first I thought it was a joke played on me by my friends but it turned out to be real. I was ecstatic. My producer offered me a contract and I began singing all the songs that I had written over the years and releasing them. That was my foot in the door into the music industry and I loved every minute of it!

2. What do you think makes you stand out from all the other aspiring and upcoming artists in your genre of music?

I write the lyrics to all my original songs and my lyrics come from my own (and sometimes my clients’) heartfelt personal life experiences. Being a doctor, a pilot and mental health specialist, I utilise music as a means to reach out to people who have suffered (or are suffering) from mental illness via my own personal experiences weaved into the lyrics of my songs. I believe music is a powerful and effective means of empowering people and I love that I have been blessed with the skills to be able to do that.

3. If you could collaborate with ANY artist/band… Who would you choose and why?

I have so many favourite artists and I would love to collaborate (and perhaps one day do duets!) with them. If I had to pick one, I would have to say it would be Westlife because their music inspired me since I was a child and got me through some horrific and traumatic times in my younger life. They were my inspiration and I would love the honour to be able to sing with them one day.  

4. What do you think is your biggest Advantage and your biggest Disadvantage about being an Indie artist?

Advantage: I am still able to call the shots and have a certain degree of control with regards to what I want and / or don’t want to do / sing / write and logistical issues. I have control over my contracts and am able to seek external opinions on what is good or not good for me / my music career. I am also able to pick who and which industry professionals I want to work with and in what area / genre/s of music I choose.

Disadvantage: I have to financially sustain / back myself and that can sometimes be challenging! Also, being a new artist, sometimes the journey can be quite lonely and isolating without the right people backing you up.  

5. Do you prefer the Independent route or would you rather sign to a major record label, and why?

For now, the independent route. But when I gain more traction and a larger fan base, maybe I would embrace the possibility of signing on with a major record label.

This is because, for now, I am still discovering myself in the music scene – my strengths, weaknesses etc. and I would like to know myself well first before signing on with a giant where there is the expectation the artist has a certain degree of experience but also so I know what I want and what my goals are so I will not be easily swayed by what others want of me.

6. Out of all the songs you’ve released, what do you think is your Best song and why?

That’s a tough one!!! So far, I’ve recorded over 6 songs and 3 have been released. I can’t pick one song out because I believe all my songs have their own individual strengths and bring out different areas of my skills / strengths and vocals. For example, ‘Polka Dot Socks’ tested my ability to bring out my deepest passion, love and emotions via my vocals in a very heartfelt tribute to my uncle, the man who raised me. ‘Always My Light’ brought out the sentimental and romantic side of me (which I am very much so!) in a serenade to a man I loved. And ‘You’ was my very first song which I wrote for my ex-partner and current best friend and it is filled with excitement, unconditional love and loyalty that is encapsulated in my very first vocal recording and step into the music industry.

7. Do you miss the era of CD sales OR do you prefer the new wave of music streaming?  Explain…

Definitely CDs! I’m a bit old-school. I love being able to hold a CD in my hand and be able to carry it with me everywhere I go! Also, I don’t like the thought of one day losing all my music if there was ever an internet outage and we lost the ability to get online – everything would be lost!!!

8. Between creating in the studio OR performing live on stage, which is your most enjoyable one and why?

I don’t have a favourite / most enjoyable one because, to me, both have advantages and disadvantages.

For example, in the studio, I feel I have my own personal “space” and sometimes when I sing (or write music), I feel very private and I relish having my own quiet space in which to create. This is important to me because this is what brings out the best in me. And performing live on stage has its advantage too because that is where I get to express myself to the people who love and appreciate my music and my hard work so performing for them means I get the honour of sharing my passion with people who also share the same passion. That shared space is also vital to my growth and expression as an artist.

9. During your entire journey through the music business, what would you consider your Worst experience?

I have not had a “worst” experience as such (yet!!! Hopefully never!!) but the biggest challenge I feel is juggling my passion with my finances and knowing what is the best that I can do with the (sometimes limited) available resources that I have at that point in time. This is where I have to proudly say that I have an absolutely fantastic team who work alongside me – my producer and my publicity / marketing team. They are just amazing.

10. What would you consider your most successful or proudest moment in your music career, so far?

Getting positive feedback from my numerous fans and (finally, once my songs have been released) being able to sit back and listen to the finished songs (and enjoy them!)!

11. If any, what discourages you the Most about music industry these days?

What I find most discouraging is the fact that nowadays many of the major music platforms seem to exploit artists rather than assist them. We read about that all the time in the media. Hence, many artists are underappreciated (and underpaid) for their hard work.

Also, it’s so easy to release a song that there are so many mediocre songs out there and people have immense trouble differentiating the talented artists from the not-so-good ones. I feel sad for the real talented artists because they have to compete with the inauthentic ones in an industry that is already flooded with competition. Also, I find it is so difficult to capture the “attention” of a good producer or recording label that many talented artists are just pushed by the curb, especially if they are not financially able to sustain themselves and their music until they get noticed.  

12. What inspires you the Most about the music industry these days?

The ease at locating a song I like. For example, if I drive past a shop and happen to hear a song that I like, I can just ‘Shazam’ it. I also like how quick the process is nowadays to upload my completed song/s onto online platforms.

13. If you weren’t in the music business or industry, what do you think you would be doing with your life instead?

I am also a doctor, a pilot and a mental health advocate, amongst many “hats” I wear so I have my own private consultancy which I am still actively operating! I will continue to do this alongside pursuing my music career simply because I am very passionate about life and what I am able to do to contribute to making the world a better place!

14. In your own opinion, What is the current music scene like in your local area?

It’s very active and thriving. In my area, people love music and thrive on it – sometimes too much (especially when they have their music on till the early hours of the morning…)! Having said that, there is lots of potential for developing the music scene.

15. What is your latest release and where fans can find it?

My latest release is ‘Polka Dot Socks’, my single album that was released on the 1st of May 2024 on all audio platforms internationally. The music video for this can also be found on my YouTube artist channel.

16. What is on your agenda or what can fans expect to see from you in 2022?

The release of many more songs and music videos! I am also lined up to be involved in more interviews and hopefully more live performances.

Join on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@angelheart4freedom?_t=8fVcJozcAqX&_r=1

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